Health Canada #My Why

DIVE was honoured to partner with Health Canada to raise awareness for the Canadian vaccination movement. This 3-day campaign captured the on-platform conversation on Canadians' reasons for choosing to get their vaccine. Using #MyWhy / #MesRaisons, Canadians shared messages of hope on iconic billboards across the country. Together, we made a difference in the health and safety of communities, and DIVE was proud to help with this important public service campaign.

DIVE Billboards and Twitter work together to reach new audiences, showcase Twitter as a product, and amplify conversations that are happening on Twitter every day. “Seeing the growth of the #MyWhy conversation on platform and then seeing many of these tweets amplified at the large OOH spectacular boards in Yonge and Dundas Sq, made it feel like that conversation was absolutely massive and really showcased the breadth of that conversation.” Greg Gerber (Behind the Billboard ep 2)

June 18-July 2, 2021

Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal
