Fred Victor

Fred Victor is a charity committed to ending homelessness in Toronto. Homelessness is at an all time high, with over 10,000 people homeless on any given night (over 3,000 more than last year). Fred Victor’s commitment to ending homelessness is illustrated through our leadership in the ZeroTO collective impact initiative. Together our teams delivered a record breaking spike in donations.

Nextdoor and DIVE worked together to create the world’s first #KindnessBillboard, where a warm thank you was publicly displayed to show appreciation to each individual who donated to Fred Victor this Holiday season. Our partners at Nextdoor know the power of a good neighbour - Neighbourhood Heroes change the world every day and they truly deserve the #BillboardFamous title for their good deeds.

Using a mixture of screens including both large conventional and portable eye-level digital billboards, as well as pop up displays and Fred Victor representatives, this display was impossible to miss. Not to mention the effects of CTV coverage and articles about the event, Fred Victor saw a flood of neighbourhood heroes, excited to participate and donate.

November 29, 2022

